Make My Future

New skills for VET students

MakeMyFuture – Improving Digital Competences for Advanced Manufacturing Industries through Maker Education is a Cooperation partnership in vocational education and training sector (KA220-VET) funded under the Erasmus+ programme.

The emerging Maker Movement can support students in acquiring advanced digital competences needed by Industry 4.0. The maker activities are based on the same technologies used in the advanced manufacturing industries and the European Fab Labs should be used as testbeds for developing VET curricula focused on those digital competences (EC, Curriculum Guidelines for Key Enabling Technologies and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 2019). Digital practices (3d printing, CNC machinery, 3D, etc.) promoted by Making movement in the last years are demonstrating to upskill young people with those digital competences, helping them access formal employment (and self-employment) opportunities. Thus, the project aims at supporting VET teachers in implementing maker-based activities for providing VET students with advanced digital competences, in line with the changes of Industry 4.0. The project aims at increasing the employability of VET students and synergies with advanced manufacturing companies.

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